Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I was in Wellington today!

Today I happened to take a wrong turn while driving through easting Sydney and ended up in Wellington!...Street. Quite a creepy coincidence! ;]

Doily Tree.

We all want a money tree but what about a doily tree?

I saw this tree in Rozelle and just had to take a picture! ;]

Meet Jack.

This is Jack, Jack Holden.* >>>>>>>>>>>>

We got our car Jack yesterday! So this car is going to be my home for the next few months :D The back of the car has a double bed built in :)

*I feel the urge to name cars. Don't question it.

Monday, June 28, 2010

I ♥ Bondi

Last Saturday I visited Bondi, the beach is absolutely gorgeous! You can take this lovely walk through the rocks around the beach to a lookout (the first picture), to the left of the lookout you can see the beautiful golden sands of the beach (the second picture and the last picture) and on the right you can see a graveyard which is a bit spooky but a nice contrast & surprise (third picture). After the look out, you can take a casual stroll on the beach or get a bite to eat at one of the many cafe's and fast food joints that are spotted around the beach. And if you're really game you can take a dip! I didn't this time as I didn't take my wet suit :/ Ohwell... There's always next time as I will definitely visit this beach again! :)

The Manly Ferry

Last Friday, the 25th of June, my mum and I caught the ferry from Circular Quay to Manly. The ferry trip was absolutely beautiful and it was a great way to see Sydney City. All these photo's were taken from the Ferry (Minus the Sydney Harbour Bridge Photo in which if you look hard enough you can see the ferry itself). The thirty minute ride was definitely worth it and I took some great photos! Another plus was the free Wi-fi! :)

Sydney at Dusk

The photo on the left is the Queen Victoria Building. I just HAD to take a picture of this building because the architecture is simply magnificent! Especially the stain glass window. Inside the building there are heaps of stores, from Country Road to Bon Bon Fine Chocolates! There is even a High Tea Room! If you are ever in Sydney definitely check out this building! http://www.qvb.com.au/
The second photograph is of sydney at dusk, the sky is a beautiful backdrop to the ever-so-tall buildings.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

A momentous moment :)

I have my first follower.....*drumroll*.....Simone Chivers! Everyone should follow Simone's exemplary action! :)

Contacting Me

While I'm on my trip there are several ways of contacting me...

I am on my facebook ALL the time, well not always lol, but this is probably the best way of contacting me.

I check my email account daily, and I will respond ASAP.

My Blog:
You maybe thinking 'well duh', but I though I would just put it out there so everyone knows I can be contacted in this way :)

A quick shout out!

I would just like to apologize to everyone in New Zealand who I didn't manage to say goodbye to before I left. It was poor time management on my part and I definitely regret it. Love you guys!

A few people I should have caught up with...
♥ Lydia Whiting
♥ Kate Bielby
♥ Georgiana Eaddy
♥ Caitlin Grandy
♥ Jordan Rikys
♥ Simone Chivers
♥ Oliver Wilcox
♥ Nick Prins
♥ Lucy Boyd
♥ Susanna Middleton-Oliver
♥ Jill Campbell
♥ Albert Nisbet

There are heaps more, please don't hate me if I left you off the list! If I had written everyone I would have been here till Christmas! :) :)


Ohhh The First Post. Exciting!

Yes. I know. The center picture is not centered. Blogger isn't centering it & I've given up on it temporarily. I though actually posting something was more important! Anyway this is my blog Road Trip Revelations! It will follow my trip around Australia and then possibly into Asia. It will include tips, hints and daily reflections on life on the road. I haven't actually started the trip yet, my mum and I are currently staying at my dad's house in Sydney. I shall keep you all posted. :D