So my mum, dad and I decided to drive down from Sydney to visit my cousins in Canberra*. My dad led my mum and I to believe that the trip would only take three hours, however he decided to take the scenic route and it took us over five hours to get there! :/ Leaving early in the morning we didn't have time for breakfast and the like so after around four hours of driving we decided to stop in Batemans Bay for a bite to eat. The bay is famous for it's fresh seafood so without further ado we decided to savour the "local cuisine". I ordered a Seafood Basket from a beach front Fish & Chip shop, this involved two fish cocktails, a crabs claw, two calamari, one prawn and chips. To this day** I still have nightmares about biting into that crabs claw, the batter covered up th disgusting inside which consisted of something that looked like small white worms *vomit*. However after that daunting experience I was fortunate to enjoy the beauty of the bay.
*Yes. I know. Canberra is such a hole. But family comes first. ;)
**This was four days ago. :/

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